Building an effective landing page on Shopify

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A landing page isn't like any normal page, it should be created with a specific goal in mind. The page should contain everything a user will need to help them achieve there goal. A goal example could be anything from getting users to sign up to your email newsletter to downloading your mobile app to purchasing a product.

No matter the growth strategy an effective landing page design is a very important element.

What is a landing page?

Okay let's start of simple, what actually is a landing page? A landing page is a specific web page that a potential customer would land on from advertising or marketing funnels often used to convince people to complete a specific action such as downloading or purchasing a product you are currently promoting.

A good landing page must include:

  • A compelling headline
  • A Call to Action (sign up, purchase now etc)
  • A clear value proposition

It would be great if you could also include:

  • A striking hero image
  • Social proof (video reviews etc)
  • Form fields to collect customer info (even if you are selling a product, it's a good idea to try and collect user emails incase they don't convert initially!)

Home page vs. landing page

Although both of these page types share common elements, they provide very different goals for merchants. A homepage can help customers interact with the brand in a number of different ways. It communicates the story and goals of your brand while also giving an overview of products and services.

Landing pages differ as they are designed to get customers to perform one specific action / achieve one specific goal.

Benefits of landing pages

Lead generation:

Landing pages can help identify your target audience and give you a better understanding of what the customers needs are. These types of landing pages can help you build out a list of potential customer and collect demographic information which can aid future marketing strategies.

Brand awareness:

Another common use of a landing page is to bring new marketing materials to customers. For example, if you offer a free resource, you can create more brand awareness by educating your customer via a landing page.


Finally, landing pages can be used to increase conversion rates by funnelling users to specific calls to action. A dedicated product landing page can offer customers targeted promotions and bring the focus to conversion.

Wrapping up

I think we got to the point on this one. In short, work out what action you want your users to take as a result of the marketing campaign you are running and make the focus of the specific landing page encourage the user to achieve that goal don't include anything else that does not aid the user in completing the task.

In future our content will be more of a mix of shorter and longer posts to offer surface level understanding as well as in depth guides and tutorials. Something for everyone!

Bye for now :)